2012 Cargill Brazil Corn Processing Plant

The piping manufacturing at Cargill's Brazil corn processing plant was completed in a short period of 6 months. During this time, 30,000 inches of welding was performed, and 96 tons of stainless steel pipes and fittings were processed. Our welds underwent 10% X-Ray testing. The project started in September 2012 and was completed in March 2013.


2012 Cargill Brazil Corn Processing Plant - BAZTAŞ
Hızla gelişen teknolojiye uyum sağlayıp gelişime katkıda bulunarak, konusunda " en iyi olma " amacıyla ; kaliteli, güvenilir, ekonomik ve müşteri odaklı hizmet ilkelerini görev kabul eden firmamız , 1996 yılından beri fabrika montajları konusundaki çalışmalarını geliştirerek sürdürmektedir.