2022 Cargill Era Project - Machine Assemblies and Piping

As part of the ERA project at Cargill corn processing plant in Orhangazi,/Bursa,  the piping for the acetic anhydride and adipic acid tanker unloading and storage tanks, reaction tanks,starch milk washing unit, and product tanks were completed. Our scope also included the assembly of critical equipment such as pumps and heat exchangers, as well as material supply, manufacturing, and installation, all of which were executed in full compliance with project specifications. The project was initiated in July 2023 and concluded in March 2024. BAZTAŞ also provided engineering and 3D modeling services for the project.


2022 Cargill Era Project - Machine Assemblies and Piping - BAZTAŞ
Hızla gelişen teknolojiye uyum sağlayıp gelişime katkıda bulunarak, konusunda " en iyi olma " amacıyla ; kaliteli, güvenilir, ekonomik ve müşteri odaklı hizmet ilkelerini görev kabul eden firmamız , 1996 yılından beri fabrika montajları konusundaki çalışmalarını geliştirerek sürdürmektedir.