Steam, Condensate, Oil and Gas Lines

 Baztaş Engineering LTD. specializes in the manufacturing and installation of steam, condensate, oil, and gas lines used in factory heating and production. General aspects of our work in this field are as follows.

  • From the boiler to the user equipment until the steam lines,
  • Lines carrying the condensate from the equipment using steam,
  • Gas lines from natural gas stations to boilers or gas-powered devices,
  • Manufacture and installation of oil lines used in turbine and generator bearings.


Steam, Condensate, Oil and Gas Lines - BAZTAŞ
Hızla gelişen teknolojiye uyum sağlayıp gelişime katkıda bulunarak, konusunda " en iyi olma " amacıyla ; kaliteli, güvenilir, ekonomik ve müşteri odaklı hizmet ilkelerini görev kabul eden firmamız , 1996 yılından beri fabrika montajları konusundaki çalışmalarını geliştirerek sürdürmektedir.